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LocationL Widow's Wail Cemetery LocationR
The restless dead stir beneath the ground. Just what manner of trickery is this?

Widow's Wail Cemetery


The Widow's Wail Cemetery is a location that players can teleport to with many portals scattered across the East & Etrean luminant. The main focus of this area is the Trial of the Gourdskipper, activated by the stand in the middle.

Trial of the Gourdskipper[]

The Trial of the Gourdskipper a trial where you must survive 8 waves of Gourdskippers using only the Pumpkin Pitch Mantra that replaces your M1's. On certain waves, chests containing Hallowtide weapons & equipment will spawn where players are standing. Each Gourdskipper takes 3 hits to kill with Pumpkin Pitch. After clearing each wave, each player is awarded with 3 Joy, and when you complete all 8 waves you are awarded with 16 Joy. Note that Mantras and Resonance's are disabled during the trial.

If you get hit by a Gourdskipper during the event, you become infected, and your M1's resemble that of a regular Mudskippers. If you are hit by Pumpkin Pitch twice when you are infected, you are teleported outside of the Widow's Wail Cemetery to the portal you came in through. If you are infected and the only person doing the trial, then the trial immediately ends, and you must wait for it to come off of the cooldown. If you are infected and not doing the trial solo, then you can infect other players for 3 Joy per person.

When the trial is active, you cannot teleport into the Widow's Wail Cemetery. Note that you do NOT need a mask to obtain Joy from the Trial of the Gourdskipper.

Note that the number of Gourdskippers that spawn is per player (i.e. with two players the number of gourdskippers will be doubled, three players tripled, etc.)
Wave Number of gourdskippers Chest?
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 3
8 3


Points of Interest[]

  • Tunnels
  • Houses
  • Graveyards


  • Trial of the Gourdskipper


  • When attempting the Trial of the Gourdskipper, gaining altitude by climbing the trees is a great idea so that you don't get hit by the mudskippers.
  • Stacking barrels on a tree to gain altitude is a good idea so that Gourdskippers can't jump up and hit.
  • If you want to go up somewhere high and efficiently grind this event you can use an auto-clicker set at 300 milliseconds for maximum efficiency.
  • The amount of players in the trial increases the amount of Gourdskippers that spawn. If you're the only player in the trial, only 1-3 spawn making it insanely easy.
  • The name, "Widow's Wail", comes from Joffrey Baratheon's Valerian steel sword from Game of Thrones.